12:41 PM
The first project we created this year in video was of a procedure at Olathe Northwest. We were given the option to choose whatever topic we wanted that demonstrated a positive action that takes place in our school. I chose to demonstrate the use of the water bottle stations and to refill your water bottles instead of throwing them away.
The first stage in completing this video was story boarding. On story board paper, I created a general idea of what shots and actions needed to be filmed. Next, I began filming which took several days in order to get enough shots. For this video, it was my first time filming with a new camera and I was able to learn how to use zoom, pan, and use white balance. Lastly, I began editing the film. This was also my first time using Adobe Premier to edit a video and it was a lot different from final cut pro. Overall Premier was fairly easy to use but had a little different of a format and can be a little more challenging. The first time I made this video I used a little bit more relaxing music, but when I re-edited I decided to use a more upbeat song to make the video more interesting. I tried to sync some clips with the music as well.
Altogether, this project was a good start to using new technology and software in e-Communication my sophomore year. Although, it wasn't a very challenging assignment it was very helpful to receive feedback from classmates after presentations. I also enjoyed being able to choose my partner since it made completing the project run a lot smoother. If I had to film this video again, I would choose a location with better lighting and add a better ending to the video.
The middle of the video is Sarah actually going to the water bottle station and filling her water bottle up. I also demonstrated the use of this station with all types of water bottles.
The ending is of Sarah and Ryan holding several water bottles. If I was to film this again I would defiantly add a better ending. I tried to demonstrate the footage the best I could and it is a more humorous ending.