My Personality Type
I think my type description describes me pretty well. I love helping people and working with others as well as being a strict rule follower and do things the way I was told to do them. I am organized and a leader which is some of the main qualities of an ESFJ. I think this test didn't really effect the way I understand why I am the way I am. I have taken personality tests before and I think I have never really wondered why I have different skills or ideas than others.
I think my personality type clarifies the role I have in a team. I tend to be the one to step out and be a leader. I am a strict follower to the rules given and try to complete the project as quickly and organized as I can. I feel many people understand me in the past as someone who just tries to get everything perfect or be a “try hard” to always do the right thing. When it feels unnatural to me to not complete a task to the best of my ability by following the directions already given by a teacher.
I have learned from this assignment that its ok to have different personalities and in the end having multiples personalities in a group tends to complete activities better and more thoroughly.