12:27 PM
This quarter in video production we filmed and edited a feature story video. I chose to create my video over the Electrathon team at Olathe Northwest. Once I created my video I wrote my first feature story. I have only really created videos before and it was a new experience to write a story
The first part in writing my feature story was creating a narrative lead. In the narrative lead I had to describe what was happening in the video with lots of detail. The purpose of the narrative lead is to draw the reader in and create a more interesting opening. The next part of a written feature story is describing the topic. Since I chose the Electrathon I gave background information on this topic and described what the team does. After introducing the club I described who I chose to interview and why.
In the feature story I used quotations from my interview to describe what the video was about. It's important to put the quotations in a new paragraph and saying who said it after the quote.
The final part of the feature story was creating a narrative ending. The narrative ending basically summarizes the purpose of the video and describes it more visually.
Altogether writing about a feature story was an interesting new experience. It was a little difficult to write the narrative lead but describing the content was pretty easy. I'm excited to continue and create feature stories throughout the semester and develop my skills in filming, editing, and writing.
Laurie did an amazing job at answering the questions I asked but unfortunately I couldn't fit all of the information into the minute and a half limit. I had to shorten several responses but ultimately I believe my video ended up good. Having a female perspective on the Electrathon team really helped with the story. Interviewing Mr. Edmondson also worked out well because it showed how teachers are trying to get more woman involved and that its something that definitely needs more outreach.
Creating the script was pretty easy because Laurie did a good job in answering my questions in complete sentences. I also learned to film the voice over in several different clips for each section that needed a voiceover so that putting the video together would be easier. I was easily able to import the voice over and trim it to fit in perfectly with the rest of the video.
Shooting my video was a little bit difficult. It was hard to find time to come into the electrathon class and shoot. The first time I went into film the students were working on presentations and I couldn't get any footage of them actually working with the car. I came in to film another time and Mr. Edmondson was very nice about getting the students to work on the car for me and get some b-roll that I could use. For the actual interview footage I wish that I had filmed it in a more quite workspace and in a better location. I was pretty rushed on time and if I was to film it again I would go to a desk or classroom.
What I like about my finished video is that its about a topic that isn't very well known in the school. Lots of students know about the football team or the theater department but very few know about the activities that go on in the engineering academy. I have been around the engineering academy for a while with my dad but in the process of filming this video I learned new information about what actualy goes on with the electrathon team. I also think that having my video about woman getting involved in engineering is important. Most people don't want to get involved in engineering because its seen as a "guy" carrier. Its important to encourage other woman to try engineering and the best way to do that is by woman encouraging other woman.
After filming and writing a feature story I enjoyed filming and editing the video more. I don't enjoy writing that much but it was still an interesting experience to learn how to write a correct feature story. I really enjoy being able to use my creativity to show a story in a video. It is way more interesting for me to be able to interact with the person I am interviewing and to film where they are working. Altogether, I enjoyed filming the video feature story more.