12:29 PM
For ONW 1 in 2,000 I interviewed Ryan Burnett. Ryan is a black belt at Ko martial arts and I was able to discover how he spent his summer. Taekwondo is one of Ryan's main activities and is something he is very passionate about. I learned the many other skills that come in to competing in Taekwondo such as being disciplined and having endurance to work hard to become better. Ryan spent many hours this summer learning forms and perfecting moves to be able to compete in a competition. At the competition this summer he did not place but last summer he placed first.
For this video I learned how to script a voice over for an interview. In previous projects I used voice overs but this was the first one I had to use when interviewing someone. It was fairly easy to write the voice over. I had to use questions to incorporate into my video because in the actual footage it had several jump cuts. I recorded my voice over on my phone which didn't have the best quality but it ended up sounding ok.
When shooting this video it was easy to find a location and begin shooting. I decided to film in the e-Communication pod so that it would look more professional. I had Ryan wear his uniform so that it would fit the theme of the interview. The lighting was also very good because it had a more blue tone compared to the lighting in the rest of the school. If I was to film this again however I would use more angles and more the camera to show more of the actual chair.
What I like most about my final video is the smoothness of the voice over and questions. When I filmed the interview Ryan said um.. a lot and I had to find a way to make the transitions more smooth. By summarizing the question with a voice over and showing footage from a Taekwondo competition it made the video a lot smoother and more professional.