7:27 AM

Professional Article Review

   The article that we read was "They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets" by Natasha Singer. In this article it talked about how schools these days don't only look at your grades to determine if you get accepted into the college but your social media feed. They look at the kinds of posts you make as well as your comments. It is now recommended you start clearing your digital footprint to help improve your chances of getting into a specific college. 

   There are a few points that surprised me in this article. For example, in paragraph 7 it talks about how your digital footprint can sometimes play a role in the admissions process. It was kinda shocking to think that colleges would notice this in the admission process. It seems more of a students personal life than there academic one in school, but however I still think it is a good idea to look at.  
   A few things that confused me were in paragraph 20 where the schools got students to help clear their digital footprint. It was a really good idea, but I wonder how they got all students to participate. I know lots of students wouldn't even care enough to try and change their social media life style. 
   And lastly, I do not think this article has much of an effect on my own social media because I already post positive pictures and ideas. And my parents have always warned me to be careful what I post online so it has never been an issue for me. 

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